
Mediafy Dream Team is a motivated and proactive group of individuals who continuously work to improve themselves and inspire those around them. They take initiative and behave like leaders, regardless of their roles or responsibilities. They also understand the importance of having fun at work and engaging in team-building activities. Ultimately, they work together to achieve their shared goals and celebrate their accomplishments along the way.
How we work at Mediafy
Flexible hours & short days
We want our employees to be able to balance job and private life, part of this is achieved with flexible working hours and we therefor only work 37.5 h / week instead of 40 h / week. -
Kick off, AW, Christmas Party & Annual Group Trip
Mediafy encourages social and joint activities. That's why we every year organize everything from kick-offs to AW's and an annual trip, where length and budget are controlled by last year's results. -
Work out! Feel good! Feel strong!
We know gym memberships are expensive, we'll contribute as much as we are allowed to.
My Day
Sometimes you just need a day, a day to move houses, visit a friend, stay in bed.. For whatever reason, once a year every employee can take out one "My Day".